May 25, 2021 Council Minutes


May 25, 2021

Zoom Meeting

May 25, 2021                                               City Hall

                    7:00 p.m.                                                              102 Main Street



Mayor Pro Tem called the meeting of May 25, 2021 to order at 7:03 p.m.


Mayor Pro Tem lead everyone in the flag salute


Mayor Pro Tem Guzman            Alice Koerner, City Clerk Treasurer

Fantasia Reyes


Steve Araguz, Police Chief                  Juan Ceja, Police Lieutenant

Jodie Luke, Public Works Director


Julie Sharp – present

Lilia Villarreal – present

Maggie Estrada – absent

Hilda Guzman – present

Juan Isiordia – present


Special Meeting – USDA Economic Impact Initiative Grant

Mayor pro tem Guzman opened the special meeting for the USDA, Economic Impact Initiative Grant and stated that this Special Meeting was to inform the Community of this grant and to give the Community an opportunity to comment and ask questions.  She informed the Community that the City is airing this meeting live on Facebook and the community may call at 509 854-1725 and submit their questions or comments.
She then turned the meeting over to Lt. Ceja to give a background and information on this grant.

Lt. Ceja informed Council that the Police Dept. needs some newer vehicles for their fleet.  He also said that the current fleet has many issues, thus having to be serviced more often and becoming quite costly.  Lt. Ceja stated that Marti from USDA presented Granger PD with an opportunity to submit the grant for new vehicles.  Lt. Ceja stated that he would be submitting for three vehicles, 2 Ford Interceptors and on Ford F150.  Cost for all three vehicles fully equipped will be $181,983.74.  With this grant, it is required that the City pay 25% of the cost, which equals to $45,495.94.  Lt. Ceja explained that this was a great opportunity for the City, essentially getting three new fully equipped vehicles for $45,495.94, saving the City $136,487.80.  Councilwoman Sharp asked Lt Ceja where the City’s 45% would come from.  It was explained that the money would come from the Public Safety Fund, 3/10th money.  Chief Araguz explained that currently this fund has approximately 60,000 plus and would be receiving money each month.  With the trucks taking awhile before they are to be paid for, leaves more time for monthly deposits into that fund, increasing the fund balance.  It was also asked what would happen to the cars that are no longer in use.  It was explained that they would be surplus and sold at auction, with the exception of one 4 wheel drive vehicles, as it will be gifted to City Hall as a staff vehicle to be used to do daily banking.

Mayor pro tem reminded the public once again that they can ask questions or comment by phoning 854-1725.  She then asked if everyone had an opportunity to comment or ask questions.   With no response, she then closed the special meeting.


No questions received


Resolution 2021-03 Economic Impact Initiative Grant

It was moved by Councilman Isiordia to adopt Resolution 2021-03, a resolution establishing and authorizing the Chief Administrative official to submit applications to USDA Rural Development Economic Impact Initiative Grant in the amount of $181, 983. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Sharp.

Call for vote:

Councilwoman Sharp             I

Councilwoman Villarreal        I

Councilman Isiordia                I


Resolution 2021-04, Increase to Petty Cash

It was moved by Councilwoman Sharp to adopt Resolution 2021-04, A Resolution authorizing the issuance of a treasurer check payable to the City of Granger Petty cash in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars (500).     Motion was seconded by Councilman Isiordia.

Call for vote:

Councilwoman Sharp             I

Councilwoman Villarreal        I

Councilman Isiordia                I



Mayor pro tem Guzman asked Council who would be attending the AWC Annal Conference, especially the AWC Business Meeting on the 24th, as the city can have three voting delegates from Granger and if you are attending, then we can submit your name as one who can vote.   Councilwoman Sharp said she could attend, as well as Mayor pro tem.  Councilman Isiordia said he could attend the membership meeting.


It was moved by Councilwoman Sharp to approve the minutes as presented.  Motion was seconded by Councilman Isiordia.

Call for vote:

Councilwoman Sharp             I

Councilwoman Villarreal       I

Councilman Isiordia               I



It was moved by Councilwoman Sharp to pay the bills of May 25, 2021, in the amount of $24,433.57.  Motion was seconded by Councilman Isiordia.

Call for vote:

Councilwoman Villarreal        I

Councilwoman Sharp             I

Councilman Isiordia               I


Fund Totals 5/25/2021

C/E                                          $          12,811.23

ST                                            $                  60.42

EMS                                         $                 18.36

CRIMINAL JUSTICE           $             1,720.00

PUBLIC SAFETY                  $            3,474.61

WATER/SEWER                   $             6,189.84

GARBAGE                              $                  85.93

IRRIGATION                          $                   73.18

TOTAL                                    $           24,433.57

A/P Checks 44838-44862 in the amount of $24,433.57            

P/R Checks of May 14, 2021 Checks 44829-44837 in the amount of $7,259.20 ACH 51,761.09 for a total of $59,020.29

Treasurers Checks for April 2021: 11693-11702 in the amount of $5,022.32


It was motion by Councilwoman Villarreal to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was seconded by Councilman Isiordia.

Call for vote:

Councilwoman Sharp             I

Councilwoman Villarreal       I

Councilman Isiordia                I


Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.


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